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MS SQL 2005 Clustering
Installation and Upgrading Step-By-Step

Step-By-Step directions on how To Install or Upgrade SQL 2005 Clustering on Windows Server 2003

  1. Configure MS DTC for Network Access
  2. Install SQL Server Components
  3. Install Workstation Tools & Utilities on remaining nodes
  4. Apply Service Packs
  5. Update Books-Online
  6. Optionally... Install the SQL Client for SQL 2005 on workstations

Setup Prerequisites:

  1. Virtual Name of the Windows server/cluster
  2. Virtual Name of the SQL server/cluster
  3. IP Address from the MSDTC Network process
  4. Cluster Resource Group for the MSDTC resources
  5. Cluster Resource Group for the SQL/Database resources
  6. Network/Domain Account for SQL Services (SQL Server/Browser/etc.)
  7. Netowrk/Domain Group for service accounts

Install Note:

If you are installing on a system with multi-core processesors and the number of cores per process is NOT a "power of 2", use the following:
E:\sql\disk1\setup.exe HOTFIXPATCH="E:\SQL\SP3\Ext\hotfixsql\files\sqlrun_sql.msp"
See: KB945835: On a computer that has a multicore processor, if the ratio of logical processors to physical sockets is not a power of 2, you cannot install SQL Server 2005
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